The Amazing App for the National Genealogical Society Conference

I can hardly quiet my mind on a daily basis.  Driving, errands, Target, cooking, the gym, Target, kids' homework:  by the time I settle down at night, I can hardly believe my day has past.

Which explains my lateness in downloading the conference app for the National Genealogical Society Conference this coming week.  Finally I've had a chance to wrap my head around all the awesomeness that awaits.  And finally I downloaded the app to my phone.

Holy 1890 census is this thing incredible.

I have never been to a conference of this scale before.  I read an article on the National Genealogical Society Conference blog that gives the top 10 reasons to use the app, and I discovered the app has everything on it I need for the entire time I'm there.    For instance, a map of the conference center to see exactly where I'm going.  A list of attendees and speakers I can familiarize myself with before it all begins.  A list of exhibitors.  Conference news.  It also has a calendar so I can see exactly all the lectures I can go to.  And I'm going to every single one I can humanly get into.  Even if they happen at the same time.  And there's a lunch I want to attend called The Pitfalls of Visiting Jamestown in Jammies, but I replied too late, and now it's full.  Maybe they'll let me in if I promise not to eat anything....

Only two more days!